Proof That Energy Medicine Works

Are you interested in true disease prevention strategies? Maybe you’ve just become frustrated with a chronic health problem that just won’t go away – in spite of your best efforts. If you’re looking for a greater sense of balance and wellbeing – energy medicine may be the answer for you.

The difference between energy and western medicine is like night and day. Simply put, western medicine doesn’t even recognize the significant influence energy has over our lives. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour – Jonathan Landsman interviews one of the most successful energy medicine practitioners in the United States. Find out how energy medicine can improve the quality of your life.

5 reasons why you should care about energy medicine

1. Are you interested in the real cause of dis-ease? Don’t get me wrong – I think conventional medicine has its place in our society as a great way of saving people in a ‘crisis’ – like a life-saving, surgical procedure. But, energy medicine providers look to help people discover the reason for their illness. Remember, our physical body is merely a reflection of how we think, feel and behave.

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, here’s something to think about, “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” In other words, our thoughts and feelings have a huge influence over our lives – physically and spiritually. This is a main principle of energy medicine.

2. Energy medicine helps us to release negative emotions – which tend to hold us back in life. So often, when we experience an emotionally painful time in our lives, we develop emotional ‘blocks’ inside – which cause tremendous physical pain, if ignored. The loss of a loved one, chronic (unmanaged) stress or low self-esteem can cause serious health problems – including cancerous conditions.

3. The best form of preventive medicine is energy medicine. Don’t ignore your ‘inner voice’ – it is your higher intelligence speaking to you. To strengthen your ability to maintain a balanced lifestyle – the key is to develop daily practices, like yoga, to keep your energy centers (chakras) well balanced. This will improve your ability to make healthy decisions in your life.

4. Energy medicine activates your self-healing mechanisms. Holistically-minded healthcare professionals teach their patients (students) that when our energy pathways are clear – we feel healthy and strong. For example, the daily practice of deep breathing or meditation can help to clear the mind, strengthen the heart and invigorate the soul.

5. Strong energy medicine techniques can re-connect us to our source energy. All too often – we find that many ‘modern’ world problems are a result of being disconnected from nature. Let’s face it – true happiness does not come from outside influences. As we connect to nature – our true self can be revealed.

Energy medicine can truly help heal the body from the inside out.

Real medicine for the body, mind and spirit

The famous inventor, Thomas Edison predicted the future quite well – when he said, “the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” He’s so right – western medicine fails to prevent disease because conventionally-trained medical doctors only learn about ‘treating’ disease with toxic drugs and risky surgical procedures.

More and more, we see people waking up to the fact that healthy food and lifestyle habits have a powerful (healing) effect on the body. The notion that human beings are energy beings – derived from an invisible, highly intelligent force is gaining in popularity and acceptance. We know that organic (chemical-free) foods, pure water, love, happiness, better relationships, quality supplements, deep breathing, sound therapy plus much more – will raise our vibrational energy and greatly improve our health.
