5D Life on New Earth
By Romeo Baron, Guest writer, In5D.com, 05/27/2016
New Earth is the name given to our planet after we move into the 5th dimension.
By the end of 2016, new Earth will be fully established, and will take a few more years after that to rebuild many new Earth communities.
After we move to New Earth, we will still have animals, forest, rivers and lakes, grass, and birds. However, the Sun will be brighter, yet it will not feel so hot. Everything around us will have more colors and things will look sharper, fresh, and brighter. Not very many people will be here, because many will choose to go to their original home world.
New Earth will not have religions, nor church systems. There will be no political parties, policymakers, rulers, or leaders. We will have universal rights and there will not be strict laws or regulations on living. The new social system will function on the universal Law of One.
The most important thing about new Earth is how humanity will live. Presently on our planet, we have many disadvantaged groups like people who are homeless, sick, cannot afford a house or have enough food to eat. We have many types of religions around the world and every country has their own laws and rules. We have bad countries that like to hurt people, and there are people that do horrible things to other people and animals. Those behaviors or actions will not exist on new Earth.
All the established careers currently in place such as in governmental, military/police, celebrities, tabloids, legal/taxation systems, banking/financial sector, and various other institutions, will not exist on new Earth in any way, shape or form.
When we move into new Earth, everyone will be treated equally. It will be a world of love, peace, and mutual respect. Everyone will be kind and loving towards each other. Every single person will have the same quality of life. On new Earth, every person will have the same luxuries and we all look after the welfare of each other. Every person will receive free food, clothing, housing, and education. Everyone will have abundance. There will be jobs to contribute to the new Earth projects, working together as a united world, but you will no longer have to focus on survival and struggle to exist, because there will be no monetary system.
On the material level, you will see that on the new Earth, people will be more satisfied with simple means. They will be more respectful towards Earth and have a lifestyle that is more in harmony with nature. Instead of nourishing themselves with material things they will satisfy themselves with spiritual ‘food’. They will feel nourished by the relationships they have with themselves, with nature and with other people.
Living on new Earth means, every single person will be united and equal, without any competition. In our current world, some people think they are more important than other people, and some people have more things than others. All living things that reside on the planet will be respected. New Earth will operate as one large united world, meaning you can live anywhere on the planet, without any passports or restrictions.
Everyone will follow the universal principles of Unconditional Love, Unity, and our faith in the Creator. The Creator is the Life Force Energy that exists everywhere and within everything in the universe. All of us are connected to the Creator and this is the reason we will live by the simple law of love and unity.
Our new world will be more relaxed, stress free and you will have a healthier lifestyle, which means you will live much longer on new Earth.
Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
We are realizing that the energies are really intense NOW. Most of the Wavers are struggling with 3d illusion conditioning (social, cultural, institutional and mind programming). When you’re feeling blockage, ready to give up, understand your status as an Ascension Waver (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and be completely free of 3d illusion conditioning (social, cultural, institutional and mind programming), we can help you in your Awareness and will give you the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. We The First Contact Ground Crew are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension which has been Underway since the End of September and will spiral this year in March and Another in August. Allow us to ReHeart you that this is The Great Awakening for ALL of Humanity. One must awaken first before they can Ascend. Trusting this process is KEY, which means fully trusting and surrendering to LOVE and the Divine Plan in every moment. This is why We Will Help you to Get Ready and can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is One of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced Harmonics, Happiness and Abundance. Lets DO THIS! Together We Got This! Schedule an Amazing Awakening Session with Mother & Father of All Creation. Below by following the Link! We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity’s Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. “LOVE” has said “ALL POSSIBILITIES EXIST IN UNLIMITED THOUGHT, All possibilities of the HIGHEST Outcome for the GREATER GOOD Of ALL only exist IN THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW” ~For All the Details you can Follow this Link: http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d
Connect with MotherGod~Mother of All Creation on Skype @ mothergoddess8
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